
Поддержка API MongoDB в СУБД «Енисей»

Версия протокола

СУБД «Енисей» поддерживает протокол работы с MongoDB версии 5.0+

Отличия от нативного протокола

1. Uses the same protocol error names and codes, but the exact error messages may be different in some cases.
2. Does not support NUL (\0) characters in strings.
3. Does not support nested arrays.
4. Converts -0 (negative zero) to 0 (positive zero).
5. Document restrictions:
o document keys must not contain . sign;
o document keys must not start with $ sign;
o document fields of double type must not contain Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN values.
6. When insert command is called, insert documents must not have duplicate keys.
7. Update command restrictions:
o update operations producing Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN are not supported.
8. Database and collection names restrictions:
o name cannot start with the reserved prefix _ferretdb_;
o database name must not include non-latin letters;
o collection name must be valid UTF-8 characters;
9. Offers the same validation rules for the scale parameter in both the collStats and dbStats commands. If an invalid scale value is provided in the dbStats command, the same error codes will be triggered as with the collStats command.

Поддерживаемые команды

Query commands

Update Operators

The following operators and modifers are available in the update and findAndModify commands.

Projectlon Operators

The following operators are available in the find command projection argument.

Query Plan Cache Commands

Free Monitoring Commands

Database Operations

User Management Commands

Authentication Commands

Role Management Commands

Replication Commands

Session Commands

Related issue.
Related issue.

Aggregation pipelines

Related issue.

Aggregation pipeline stages

Aggregation pipeline operators

Administration commands

Diagnostic commands